If you are under way through any environment at night, you would hear barking dogs sound. It is not a rarity when you hear night barking in a neighborhood with people have dog. But why is a dog barking all night long even makes you and your neighbors awake?
All dogs will basically barking and howling occasionally, this is a natural thing. Dogs voiced to communicate with human and to express themselves. Sometimes we want our dog barking to warn us when something is danger or to protect us from harm. However, excessive barking dogs can be caused due to their behavior problems.
What's the solution? Your dog needs to understand when to bark and when to be quiet, and it is your role to teach your dog. You have to address your dog’s barking problem of as soon as you can. The longer you let your dog’s barking behavior, the more hard for you to fix. A good idea is to train your dog to understand the command to bark or be silent. Yes, this kind of dog training may be easier to be said than done. However, with your dedication and consistency, you can train your dog to understand the command to bark and silent.
Causes of Dog Barking
The reality is no one really knows a definite reason of why dogs bark at night. But, it is important for you to understand that your dog barks for many reasons. Your dog does not bark just to annoy you and your neighbors, and not because of envy or revenge. Your dog does not bark for only a reason. A number dog breeds specifically barking more often than other breeds of dog, and for other dog breeds are actually bred to be barkers. On the contrary, there is a dog breed which does not bark at all, such as race Basenji (though a Basenji dog could be voiced by other manners). If you listen closely, you will learn that the Basenji’s barking sound is different from other dog breeds.
Recommended to read: Smartest Dog Breeds
Recommended to read: Smartest Dog Breeds
Understanding the reasons why your dog barking at night is the first step to control this type of dog behavior. Generally, dogs will be barking at night for several reasons below:
It is natural for a dog barking when someone is at the door, when a stranger passes a house or a car went by. Not only at night. Most dogs will bark they feel a danger / threat, as if to say "I am here to protect this place, so do not mess with me." The barking sound is usually a sharp, hard, and authoritarian. Train this type of instinct because it will be useful to help protect your home and family at night
Your dog does bark at night is usually because of loneliness. It is dog behavior that often as an act of calming down. A loneliness dog is usually barking with a high tone and sometimes by accompanied by whining.
A boring dog barking sound is like the dog barking just would like to hear his own voice. Although it tends to interrupt surrounds, but this is a type if grief expression. Your dog becomes bored easily if your dog has nothing to do at night, and your dog makes his or her own fun. Dogs who are bored are usually barking to release their excess energy and sometimes to get out of boredom. They usually need an activity and maybe even a friend.
Response to Other dogs
Your dog may start barking when another dog surroundings starts barking, and usually one by one other dogs surroundings will start barking. This type of dog barking is also known as a social facilitated barking or group barking.
How to Prevent and Stop Dog Barking Excessively at Night
- Once you find one of the dog barking causes above, you can control that dog behavior. The best way to prevent is firstly to try and dispel the root cause of the dog behavior. You must also be sure not to inadvertently encourage your dog to bark at night. Eventually, give your dog an activity that can be done other than barking.
- Make sure your dog has plenty of physical exercise at daylight so that no pent energy at night.
- Avoid leaving your dog alone in a long time at daylight.
- If the problem is your dog barks excessively outside at night, the only real solution is to bring him in.
- Never hug or give food to your dog to take your dog’s attention while your dog is barking at you, because he would regard it as a response of the bark, if you do, it will be even more encourage your dog to do it.
- Yelling at your dog to make stop barking will not help. This will actually make your dog barking more excessively.

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